Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Top 3 advantages of remote training collars for dogs

Remote training collars for dogs are a really effective way to train your dog. They can be used to correct unwanted behaviours such as killing wildlife, chasing your neighbour’s chickens or jumping over guests. They can also be used to train your dog to ‘stay’, ‘sit’ or ‘come’.

Dog training products like these make our lives so much easier, particularly for owners who are not too successful in training their dogs to behave. They are actually used by many professional trainers, so we don’t have to feel inadequate when we use a remote training collar for dogs.

So are there any other benefits to using remote training collars for dogs?

Timing: How many times have you raced out the door to tell your dog to stop barking and by the time you get there, they have stopped? Telling them to stop barking at that point, is a waste of time. So you walk away and that’s when they start barking again. Timing is everything!

Well, with a dog remote training collar, you can stand in the doorway and press the button on the remote which gives your dog a correction, as you quickly catch up with them and give them the command to stop barking. It is important that you verbally correct them, as well as using the correction stimulation provided by the remote trainer. That way, you will be able to command them without using the collar.

Consistency: When you are training any animal, the key is consistency. You must give your dog the same command every time for the same behaviour you want to correct or action you want them to take. The remote training collar for dogs, allows you to give them the same correction and then you supply the same verbal command.

Distance: With the remote trainer, you don’t have to be beside your dog to train them, in fact you can be far away when you see your dog chasing after next door’s cat and still stop them in their tracks. Sometimes, they are just too far away to hear your voice, so having the remote trainer makes it so much easier than racing over the back paddock chasing your dog and screaming at the top of your lungs.

So if you are ready to try a dog training product, call K9 Collars on 1300 130 910 or visit our website.

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